Thursday, April 28, 2016

Mary Jane art thou Savor revised and edited!

Ever thought about how bad the LEGAL things you ingest, or put on your body are? Or you may just not be aware, but things like the processed foods, drinks, and tobacco that you consume on a daily basis contain ingredients that are harmful to your body. For instance synthetic trans fats that are in a lot of snacks, and packaged foods, has been linked to Heart Disease, Cancer, and decreased functioning of your immune system. Then there is cigarettes, in which we all know is very harmful to our bodies, because it causes cancer, weakens the heart, also causes premature aging, just to name a few. So let me ask why are these substances legal and Marijuana is not? Well they all say it's addictive, and impairs your brain. But if you look at the pros and the cons, you will see that the pros out way the cons tremendously, and Marijuana should be legalized all through out the United States.
     Of course if we had it legalized there will have to be some restrictions as to how and when you can use this substance. I would recommend smoking in moderation, don't smoke more than what you can tolerate. Smoking in front of children would be definitely be prohibited, as well as driving under the influence. Smoking outside or in public recreational environments would be ok as long as it is allowed by the owner.  Legal age to smoke the Marijuana should be eighteen. I do feel that some children with mental issues such as ADD or ADHD should be exempt, only because the THC can really calm their nerves, and help them focus in school when it comes to learning. But it would have to be at a age that child can understand what he or she is consuming, why and how it will help them, and explain that the substance isn't to be abused. The side effects of Marijuana would be healthier than the normal medicine doctors usually perform for them usually.

     We all know that a lot of the medicine in the United States side effects can be worse than the actual issue that you had the medicine prescribed for. Marijuana on the other hand doesn't have any harmful effects, it helps to deal with a lot of  medical issues people have, that are caused by diseases such as Lupus, HIV,or even migraines. THC helps to relieve those minor aches that some feel in their body, or it causes "vascular changes in the covering of the brain that helps to relieve those migraines". Teenagers and even adults who suffer from depression can seek healing with Marijuana, for there are strands that can help with increasing your appetite, or completely brighten your spirits. There are so many ways it can help people today, but yet it is marked as something dangerous, unlike the other legal substances whom been proven to lead to those illnesses that Marijuana helps. Isn't that something!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Is Changing Wages a Good Idea??!

The question at hand is should the government  increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour? Of course the majority of the United States answer is going to be yes. Jesus Tovar wrote in his blog Is changing wages a good idea? that he believes as well that it would be a good idea to increase wages, but he looks at both sides of the matter, why it would be good and why he believes it would not be a good idea to increase them. He brings up the fact that the citizens who work fast food work very hard, and have to deal with a lot just for a small compensation. The other side to the situation is that he feels since the wages would go up so would everything else in the economy, and that a "trial should be done first to see how this would be work nationally". He makes a good argument, but it is not supported with any facts or links that would give evidence to support his opinions. His intended audience is not clear, I feel that it leans towards both sides of the situation, those who are for it and those who are against it. I wouldn't give much credibility, just because I don't believe that everything would be the same if wages increased. Maybe if more information was given as to why he believed that, then I could consider that as being a possibility. But overall a good argument was presented, he gave his opinion and his own experiences to back it up.