Thursday, March 31, 2016

Mary Jane art thou Savor?

     Ever thought about how bad the LEGAL things you ingest, or put on your body are? Or you may just not be aware, but things like the processed foods, drinks, and tobacco that you consume on a daily basis contain ingredients that are harmful. For instance synthetic trans fats that are in a lot of snacks, and packaged foods, has been linked to Heart Disease, Cancer, decreased functioning of your immune system. Then there is cigarettes, in which we all know is very harmful to our bodies, because it causes cancer, weakens the heart, also causes premature aging, just to name a few. So let me ask why are these substances legal and Marijuana is not? What they all say it's addictive, and impairs your brain. But if you look at the pros and the cons, you will see that the pros out way the cons tremendously.

     We all know that a lot of the medicine in the United States side effects can be worse than the actual issue that you had the medicine prescribed for. Marijuana on the other hand doesn't have any harmful effects, it helps to deal with a lot of  medical issues people have, that are caused by diseases such as Lupus, HIV,or even migraines. THC helps to relieve the minor aches that some feel in their body, or it causes "vascular changes in the covering of the brain that helps to relieve those migraines". Teenagers and even adults who suffer from depression can seek healing with Marijuana, for there are strands that can help with increasing your appetite, or completely brighten your spirits. There are so many ways it can help people today, but yet it is marked as something dangerous, unlike the other legal substances whom been proven to lead to those illnesses that Marijuana helps. Isn't that something!



Friday, March 11, 2016

Thursday March 10, Richard Eskow blogged The Penalty for Poverty should not be Death. He starts his blog off making a reference to the Brookings Institution, who made a report stating that wealthy Americans live longer than our poorer citizens, and the life expectancy gap between the two is growing at a rapid pace. Eskow begins his argument agreeing with the statement from the institute. Then stating the statistics of men in the top and bottom 10 percent of income and how their life expectancy ranges. Men who were born in the 1920's and were the bottom 10 percent lived six years less than the top 10, and 1950 the gap rose to fourteen years. So over a time of thirty years that gap doubled, and is still increasing today.

     Now not only does he state the issue, but then he offers a solution. He compares the United States to other countries and how long their citizens live compared to ours, and it is much longer. And the main difference between us and places like Canada is our health care. So his solution would be to allow free healthcare, lower the prices of medicines, and increase social security.  I feel his intended audience is every citizen in the U.S who cares about this social issue, and of course our government. He picked a good argument, with a lot of references and comparisons to back up his blog, so his word is credible. And I do agree with everything he is saying, and I know the poorer class people would. But would some of the wealthier care when they aren't experiencing the issue as much, or would the Government really care or want to fix it if these are ways to make more money and get rid of bodies?